Guess what!?!
I have been reading through the Old Testament this year (which I have never completely done before) and I have stuck with it for 6 months! I'm half way through! Wow! There is so much to be learned from it, I'm totally loving it!
I got to visit Cody at camp today! I was at camp all afternoon. It was neat to see all of my friends and meet some new ones! I even convinced a couple of girls that I was from Wales (the country)! It was really funny. I kept messing up... I can't believe they still believed me! But don't worry, I told them the truth before the day was done ;)
Tomorrow (hopefully/most likely) I will be posting about My dear brother Zach! Stay tuned!
To God be the glory!
<3 Christy
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
My brother Cody!
So, I got an idea the other day. I was putting pictures up of my family, and I decided that I would like to do a blog post about each family member. So to start, I'm going to do Cody, my 17 year old brother.
Cody is a really fun person. He always makes me laugh :)

We don't always get along, obviously, but we have gotten really close, especially this last year I think. Before he left for camp this summer we went a lot of places together and had a lot of fun. I really love going places with him, because usually it's just he and I in his truck, listening to music and talking.
He's very sanguine and choleric, and if you don't know personality types, that means he's very fun, outgoing, and a strong personality. He's always been a really good worker. He'd usually rather be out working on cutting wood or mowing the lawn than washing dishes or something inside. He also snowboards and plays guitar, and is very good at both!!

He has mostly taught himself to do both, which is amazing because he's so good!! He also writes songs, and is quite good at that too. He's very protective of me, which I really appreciate. He's been a good listening ear throughout a lot of hard times for me, and I am SO thankful for him in so many ways!!
Most of all, he is a strong Christian and lives to the glory of Jesus Christ alone.
He is such an awesome brother and such an encouragement to me! I have really missed him while he's been at camp.
If you want, you can go to his blog - He hasn't posted on it in a while because of camp, but there's still lots of great stuff on it!

Monday, June 28, 2010
Oh, what fun summer is!
Hey all! Sorry I never posted an outfit from day 6. I have to have my brother to help me get it, and we've both been so busy that I never did! Well, I made a collage of days 1-5, so that you can see all the outfits at once. It's small, but kinda cute :)
So, I have not posted a *real* blog post this whole week! It's been a good week. I thought it would be a really boring week, but it turned out to be very fun and eventful!
On Tuesday a friend (and mentor!) of mine, Sarah, called me up and asked if I would like to go to the mall with her. Of course, I was thrilled! It was a lot of fun. She was able to find a modest bathing suit, and I got some very nice smelling body spray from Bath and Body Works - on sale, btw, for only $3!
On Wednesday I got to go over to my friend Kyla's house for a few hours while my mom was at a ladies' Bible study. We were peeling potatoes in the kitchen, when the stove started shaking like crazy! It was odd, because nothing else seemed to be shaking. It stopped after a few moments, and we thought nothing more of it until our mothers got back and told us there had been an earthquake!! People felt it from Toronto all the way to the border of Pennsylvania, and it was rated a 5 - 5.5, so apparently it was quite a big deal! Thankfully, no damage was done as far as I know.
Thursday night, I went to the home of some family friends. They had a Bible study for college-age young adults, so Erik, my oldest brother, went to that while I hung out with the rest of the kids. They have 2 teenage boys, an 11-year-old daughter, and some little boys (besides 2 college-age kids who were in the Bible study), so altogether we had a blast. Hopefully I will post a few pictures up soon!
On Friday I went to a 19th-Century Dance at the home of some friends. It was SO fun! There were no indecent moves, and the most physical contact there was was holding hands an arms length away from your partner. It was really, really fun, and also great exercise!! I was glad to be able to enjoy dancing that actually was pleasing to the Lord!
Saturday-Sunday I traveled to see relatives and go to a graduation party to for Cody and Zach, two of my brothers, as well as a few other relatives. On the long drive home I prayed and listened to Christian music on my iPod, and basically had a heart to heart with God! It was SO wonderful.
So that was my week! I'm guessing most people will get bored after reading the first paragraph or so, but that's okay, I enjoyed writing it and it's there for those who want to read it! God Bless!

On Tuesday a friend (and mentor!) of mine, Sarah, called me up and asked if I would like to go to the mall with her. Of course, I was thrilled! It was a lot of fun. She was able to find a modest bathing suit, and I got some very nice smelling body spray from Bath and Body Works - on sale, btw, for only $3!
On Wednesday I got to go over to my friend Kyla's house for a few hours while my mom was at a ladies' Bible study. We were peeling potatoes in the kitchen, when the stove started shaking like crazy! It was odd, because nothing else seemed to be shaking. It stopped after a few moments, and we thought nothing more of it until our mothers got back and told us there had been an earthquake!! People felt it from Toronto all the way to the border of Pennsylvania, and it was rated a 5 - 5.5, so apparently it was quite a big deal! Thankfully, no damage was done as far as I know.
Thursday night, I went to the home of some family friends. They had a Bible study for college-age young adults, so Erik, my oldest brother, went to that while I hung out with the rest of the kids. They have 2 teenage boys, an 11-year-old daughter, and some little boys (besides 2 college-age kids who were in the Bible study), so altogether we had a blast. Hopefully I will post a few pictures up soon!
On Friday I went to a 19th-Century Dance at the home of some friends. It was SO fun! There were no indecent moves, and the most physical contact there was was holding hands an arms length away from your partner. It was really, really fun, and also great exercise!! I was glad to be able to enjoy dancing that actually was pleasing to the Lord!
Saturday-Sunday I traveled to see relatives and go to a graduation party to for Cody and Zach, two of my brothers, as well as a few other relatives. On the long drive home I prayed and listened to Christian music on my iPod, and basically had a heart to heart with God! It was SO wonderful.
So that was my week! I'm guessing most people will get bored after reading the first paragraph or so, but that's okay, I enjoyed writing it and it's there for those who want to read it! God Bless!
Friday, June 25, 2010
Day Five - "Brown and Purple Dressy"
Day Five: A theme? Hmm.... How about "Brown and Purple Dressy" sure, that works.

I loooove this outfit. It's so gorgeous! the pictures do NOT do it justice. But it was raining, so we had to take them inside where there was lousy lighting.
Anyway, Brown Slacks: Hand-me-down from Mrs. Reger, Brand: Haggar (that's... weird!)
Shirt: $2 at Salvation Army, Brand: Studio Y (also weird...)
Cami: Another gift from Katy, also another $5 Rainbow one
Shoes: Same as day 3, $1 at a garage sale
I am so glad today is not the last day! I'm having too much fun to stop!

Anyway, Brown Slacks: Hand-me-down from Mrs. Reger, Brand: Haggar (that's... weird!)
Shirt: $2 at Salvation Army, Brand: Studio Y (also weird...)
Cami: Another gift from Katy, also another $5 Rainbow one
Shoes: Same as day 3, $1 at a garage sale
I am so glad today is not the last day! I'm having too much fun to stop!
Day Four - Think Pink... and Purple!
Hey everyone! Sorry I didn't post the other day. The power went out at our house! Here's day 4
"Think Pink... and Purple!"

This outfit is so fun and bright! I love it!
Pink button-up: $.99 at Salvation Army, Brand: No Boundaries
Purple striped cami: gift from Katy (it was $5 at Rainbow, if anyone wanted to know. They have some great camis!), Brand: Ambiance apparel
Jeans: On-sale at Kohls, $8.40 if I remember correctly, Brand: Sonoma Life & Style
Pink shoes(my favorite part): Christmas gift (they were on-sale at Walmart for $7), Brand: Faded Glory
"Think Pink... and Purple!"

Pink button-up: $.99 at Salvation Army, Brand: No Boundaries
Purple striped cami: gift from Katy (it was $5 at Rainbow, if anyone wanted to know. They have some great camis!), Brand: Ambiance apparel
Jeans: On-sale at Kohls, $8.40 if I remember correctly, Brand: Sonoma Life & Style
Pink shoes(my favorite part): Christmas gift (they were on-sale at Walmart for $7), Brand: Faded Glory
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Day 3 - A walk in the woods
Day Three - "A walk in the woods" :)
I LOVE this outfit! It's so feminine and pretty! I have actually not worn this skirt more than a couple times before, because I didn't have anything to go with it. But then I got this shrug, and it's so perfect!
I also looove that I can go out into the beautiful woods to get the pictures! I love where we live!

Skirt: $1 at a garage sale, Brand: Sixty-Two East
White tank: On-sale at Sears, don't know how much it cost, Brand: Classic Elements
Shrug: Hand-me-down from Katy, Brand: Arizona
Shoes: $1 at a garage sale, Brand: MontegoBay Club
Purse: $.50 at a garage sale :)
P.S. -- Photo credit goes to Erik, my awesome 20-year-old brother *who works for Answers In Genesis, by the way!* Love him so much! :)

Skirt: $1 at a garage sale, Brand: Sixty-Two East
White tank: On-sale at Sears, don't know how much it cost, Brand: Classic Elements
Shrug: Hand-me-down from Katy, Brand: Arizona
Shoes: $1 at a garage sale, Brand: MontegoBay Club
Purse: $.50 at a garage sale :)
P.S. -- Photo credit goes to Erik, my awesome 20-year-old brother *who works for Answers In Genesis, by the way!* Love him so much! :)
Monday, June 21, 2010
Vivid and Summery =)
Day two! I feel weird that I am wearing pants when almost every girl in this fashion thingy only wears skirts. But, I am definitely NOT a skirts-only girl, although I do love them. So I'm gonna be me anyway. I couldn't think f a good theme for this outfit... maybe "Vivid and Summery" How's that? :)
Red button-up: Salvation Army - $.99, brand: No Boundaries (I guess it was originally from Walmart =P)
Black tank top: On sale at walmart, don't know the cost, brand: well, the tags ripped out, but obviously it's a walmart brand... haha :)
Capris: $3 at a garage sale and get this - they were brand new, still had the tags on them, but I got them for $3! Brand: Seven7 (I'm guessing Sears)
Studded belt (which you can't see): $1 at a garage sale
I'm barefoot, so... Feet: free!! :D

Black tank top: On sale at walmart, don't know the cost, brand: well, the tags ripped out, but obviously it's a walmart brand... haha :)
Capris: $3 at a garage sale and get this - they were brand new, still had the tags on them, but I got them for $3! Brand: Seven7 (I'm guessing Sears)
Studded belt (which you can't see): $1 at a garage sale
I'm barefoot, so... Feet: free!! :D
Day 1 - Casual Chic
Sorry I'm a day late... this is DAY 1 of the Thrifty Chic fashion week! And to start us off, my outfit is:
Casual Chic

Shirt: $1 at a yard sale, brand: New York & Company
Skirt: Salvation Army... probably around $3, brand: UnionBay
Flip Flops - On sale at Walmart, dunno the cost, brand: Uhh... some Walmart brand (duh =])
I'm also supposed to tell my favorite brands. I like American Eagle and Aeropostale. But I don't care too much as long as I like the clothing. I dislike Hollister and Abercrombie - they stand for many things I am very opposed to.
My favorite Thrift stores! Well, I am a huge garage sale junkie; I get most of my clothing at those. I also like Salvation Army. Amidst all the ugly and dumpy clothes there, you can find some cute stuff! We also have a thrift shop in town called Second Impressions. I like that too. There are other good ones, too, but those are the ones I tend to shop at because they're nearby.
That is all! Thanks for reading :)
Casual Chic

Skirt: Salvation Army... probably around $3, brand: UnionBay
Flip Flops - On sale at Walmart, dunno the cost, brand: Uhh... some Walmart brand (duh =])
I'm also supposed to tell my favorite brands. I like American Eagle and Aeropostale. But I don't care too much as long as I like the clothing. I dislike Hollister and Abercrombie - they stand for many things I am very opposed to.
My favorite Thrift stores! Well, I am a huge garage sale junkie; I get most of my clothing at those. I also like Salvation Army. Amidst all the ugly and dumpy clothes there, you can find some cute stuff! We also have a thrift shop in town called Second Impressions. I like that too. There are other good ones, too, but those are the ones I tend to shop at because they're nearby.
That is all! Thanks for reading :)
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
"Thrifty Chic" Fashion week!
Hey everyone! I'm going to be participating in the "Thrifty Chic Fashion week" hosted by Luci at Virtuous Girlhood! If you want to see what it is and what it's about, click here. I am sooo excited! It starts June 20th, so check it out, and join! I'd love to see pictures of your outfits! To any of my friends who don't have a blog, just post the pictures on facebook. :)
Thursday, June 10, 2010
A Quest for More
Well, the summer weather didn't seem to last very long. Recently it's been really chilly. That's good, though, because it rained a lot and we desperately needed rain. Because of the rain, the trees have gotten a lot greener.
Youth group with Circle C is mostly over for the summer; the camp has staff training week starting Sunday, and then a whole summer of camp. My brother, Cody, is working there this summer, so I'll miss him.
I've been reading a book called "A Quest for More" by Paul David Tripp. It is SUCH a good book!! I've really enjoyed reading it; it has opened my eyes to a lot of things. It has really helped me understand what a life of purpose is and looks like. Instead of the typical "Christian" book, it shows that serving Christ is SO important, and what we are really fighting against. I highly recommended it to any Christian of any age.
I have been absolutely loving serving God. It is so fulfilling and He brings so much joy. Keep fighting the fight, everyone!!
Youth group with Circle C is mostly over for the summer; the camp has staff training week starting Sunday, and then a whole summer of camp. My brother, Cody, is working there this summer, so I'll miss him.
I've been reading a book called "A Quest for More" by Paul David Tripp. It is SUCH a good book!! I've really enjoyed reading it; it has opened my eyes to a lot of things. It has really helped me understand what a life of purpose is and looks like. Instead of the typical "Christian" book, it shows that serving Christ is SO important, and what we are really fighting against. I highly recommended it to any Christian of any age.
I have been absolutely loving serving God. It is so fulfilling and He brings so much joy. Keep fighting the fight, everyone!!
A Quest for More,
youth group
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