Sunday, January 29, 2012

God is good, and so is life!

Wow. So many thoughts. I went to the IABC Heart Seminar on Friday and Saturday, and, as usual, learned a LOT. I was reminded of how deceitful and desperately wicked the heart is, and how God is our only hope and His word has all of the answers we need. I also gained lots of specific information about specific things - idols of the heart, lies I often believe, and how to overcome sin. And of course, how to counsel others about the same things. I also met lots of new friends, which is always great.

Okay, so, I got a camera for Christmas and I've kind of been going nuts taking pictures this month. I love it! So I thought I'd share some. They aren't that spectacular because my camera isn't the best, and I'm certainly no photographer. But oh well. :)

My puppy dog! She's so cute :)
Very red outfit...  ironic cuz I've never really liked the color red.
I was felling very colorful this day!
My fluffy kitty <3

I'm still skeptical of this copycat who lurks in my bedroom, above the bathroom sink, and various other places...

Ah, the expression of so many emotions! I love piano :)