Monday, November 5, 2012


And now, finally, a post about CODY! With the other two brothers it was hard to find pictures of them, but with Cody it's hard to decide which picture of him to use!

A couple of awesome photos of Cody in the rain, in a cowboy outfit :)
Yes, that's my brother, not a movie star :)
Cody is 19 years old and is right above me in birth order. This past April he moved to Kentucky, to rent a room in my brother Erik's house while he works in the warehouse for the Creation Museum. It started as a seasonal job, but soon a full-time position opened up, so he moved there for good.

Cody and his good friend Verde (whose real name is Daniel but Cody never calls him that!)
Cody is very outgoing and friendly, and has the kind of charismatic personality that really draws people to him. He also has a great sense of humor and keeps people laughing with his anecdotes and witty lines.

Cody has become known as "Cody the turtle farmer" because of his hilarious facebook videos of him with turtles he has found...  he saves them from being run over in the road - haha :)
Another snapshot from one of his turtle videos - do you think that turtle looks real??
Along with his humor, he has a lot of seriousness and a heat that is burdened for reaching the lost and reviving the church. Over the past few years God has really developed his understanding and fervor for the things of God like never before.
Having devotions on the shed roof before he moved away.
 God has given him a real eye for art and an ear for music. He uses both these gifts to glorify God and bless other people, by writing songs for the Lord and giving very artistic, heartfelt gifts. If you'd like to check out his music, visit his facebook page here.

Down by the Ohio river (a couple blocks away from their house) playing music.
He loves kids, and his vision for his future is to become a husband and a father, living a simple, honest life as the hardworking leader of his home.

This past March at our Wednesday night prayer group, with all the kids flocking around him!
I'm so thankful for Cody and the influence he's had on my life, which continues to grow. I miss him a lot but it's exciting to see God directing his life as he grows into a godly man!

Brother-sister date on his last visit home in August.


  1. I wish my older brother and i were as close as you two seem to be!

  2. You have a lot of good pictures! Who took them?

    1. The first two were taken by either Erik or one of our Kentucky friends, I'm not sure. And I think Cody edited them. The rest were taken by Cody of himself :) And I took the one with the kids, just to capture the moment :)

  3. I just found your blog (from off of Cody's blog, my parents work at the Creation Museum) and I was looking through your posts... Great blog! I like the idea of doing a blog post about each sibling. I just might have to try that. =)
