There are many times in life when God gives us things we don't want because they are better for us than what we do want. In fact, I think we all recognize that this happens multiple times every day, and sometimes seems to be continual for seasons of times. But every now and then He gives us a ton of little, wonderful blessings and makes lie just what we want. These interludes are rare, but that's why they are so incredible. I want to praise and thank my Lord and Lover for giving me all of the little things I have been desiring lately! Like...
~My bedroom. It's so pretty! I have a pretty quilt and lots of nice decorations, and it feels so relaxing and refreshing to walk into my little haven! Of course, it's not all that great really, (I never got around to redoing my room this year - the quilt is one I had when I was a little girl, the decorations are mostly garage sale trinkets) but it's still beautiful and I'm so thankful.
~Good food. We purchased "Fruit and Vegetable Share" with a local organic farm this year, and each week we get TONS of fruit and veggies - so delicious and healthy, and mom and I get to spend lots of time in the kitchen together preserving them.
~School. This year I get to spend most of my time reading theology, scripture, Christian books, and listening to incredible sermons! How cool is that?!
~The weather. As I have said, (probably too many times!) I LOVE autumn weather. The sky is intensely blue with brilliant white clouds doused in bright sunlight. The leaves are still richly green, interspersed with hues of red, orange, and yellow. Each morning the soft grass is covered in sparkling frost that melts into dew. When it rains, it pours torrents of cool drops to refresh the earth. The air is cold and crisp. Ahh I could go on... but I won't.
~Recreation. I've been able to do a lot of the things I love to do lately - bake, cook, clean, (I know that doesn't sound like recreation to some!) watch good movies, read books, journal, talk on the phone, visit friends, and so many other nice things.
Most of all, though, what delights my soul is that the holy, terrifying, worthy, perfect God of all creation has become my intimate friend and lover, and sees me as perfect through the righteousness of His Son. He answers my prayers and speaks to me through His word. He is so good, I can't fathom it!
I know that as life goes on, God will mercifully give me seasons of discomfort and not getting my own way, to sanctify me. I know I will not always be in sweet closeness with God, I'll stumble and fall and have to be picked up again. But I'm not sad to know that life won't always be this perfect. I'm just amazed that He would see fit to give me even a short time so sweet as this. <3 p="p">
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