Saturday, April 21, 2012


Hello everyone! I am in Florida right now and LOVING my vacation. It's been a bit of a rainy day but that's okay because we have plenty of other things to do. We went out to breakfast at Golden Corral this morning (delicious!) and I am STILL not hungry at 6 PM! Lol :) Right now I'm sitting on the living room floor of my Grandma's mobile home watching Family Feud and eating peach rings. This morning we went to a flea market and I found some great deals. At one booth I bought an amazing birthday present for my best friend which I am tempted to keep can't  can't wait to give her, and at another I got some cute seashells with pictures on them as a souvenier for myself and two of my friends.

So far the best part of my trip BY FAR has been seeing Katy, her family, and teeny tiny baby ELIJAH SAMUEL! He is so beautiful. He's quite a little grumpyface! Usually his face his scrunched up in some adorable way, even though he's quite peaceful and content. Hopefully I will be able to upload pictures when I get home - I don't have a card reader with me.

After a fun morning with great friends yesterday, we went to the beach. The taste of salt, the feel of the warm waves, and the soft sand all added up to an amazing experience. Feeling like a master builder and artist, I created my first sandcastle EVER which I am quite proud of. And, I collected a few pretty seashells of various colors.

Well, soon I will have plenty of pictures and LOTS more to say. Hope you all are enjoying your weekend as muh as I'm enjoying mine!

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